Friday, March 21, 2014

Mission Statement...

My Pinterest challenge

So why did I start a new blog; “My Pinterest Challenge?
For myself quite frankly but with the hope it helps you too.
I’m hoping to challenge myself to actually begin applying all the inspirational things I find stimulating that I’ve pinned. Yet my pins remain for the most part just pictures on a page without action.
Pinterest is my black hole I’ve spun into. Tantalizing me with hopes and dreams, happily pinning pictures of ideas to my boards. I fondly find myself dreamily spinning into them on a regular basis, yet without action.  
I’m hoping to change that and begin personally applying the things I’ve pinned and make my pins come off the board and come alive! And a reality in our lives.
Setting a realistic goal that is obtainable for a dreamer like myself is a challenge by itself. Do I set a deadline such as a project a month? Do I alternate one small project and one big project? Do I pick a board and work my way through it? Decisions decisions! We will see. Baby steps… to quote a line out of; “What About Bob”  
I started this blog with a completed project of a gift we’d made. I’m thinking a baby step, bite sized project next.

Here’s to pinning in action my friends!

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