Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bedroom Furniture Makeover

August In Minnesota

As the days have moved ahead and into a new month, so has our bedroom remodel Using Pinterest for my inspiration and basing our remodel off this beautiful watercolor print by Adolf Dhen
I used this print for both the foundation and my inspiration for our bedroom remodel 

Pulling out our old vintage bedroom furniture that I moved into storage and was in need of TLC, I chose one of the colors in the print, using that color to facelift our 40s waterfall furniture  

This is the tall dresser I started with. I guess I should have taken a before picture with the drawers in, but as most of you know, we get so excited to start our projects, photo documentation is a delayed reaction 

Color I used is  Golden Coast by vaspar paints  

My personal experience when they say; use a dry brush, they mean DRY brush
   I did a circler, rubbing motion to rub it in and a rag at hand to wipe away quickly if it was a tad wetter then what I needed to accomplish the effect I needed   
 Below is one of the end tables


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